

Vision A group of essential vitamins to maintain eye health and vision quality and help in the treatment and prevention of common eye diseases.. Vit a Vit e Vit c Niacinamide Zinc Bilberry ■Benefits:●يحمي العين من الاضرار التي تسببها الجذور الحرة ●يعزز صحة العين ويعالج ويقاوم بعض أنواع الالتهابات●يساعد في الحفاظ على النسيج الضام في العين ●ويمنع تنكس اللطخة الصفراء.●تعزيزRead more


Hair/Skin/Nails ■Provides a rich formula that contains the nutritional elements required to stop hair loss and encourage its growth in a healthy, vibrant, thick, attractive way, and in order to build healthy, strong and soft nails.. White a White e White B1/2/3 White B 12 Folate Biotin Zn Cu ■الفوائد:●مضاد اكسدة ويبطئ عملية الشيخوخة ●تعزيز نمو الشعر لانه يلعب دور هام في نمو الخلايا والانسجةRead more


Pregnatal: A group of vitamins and minerals to ensure the health of the pregnant mother and fetus. Vit a Vit d Vit e Vit B1 Vit B3 Vit B6 Vit B12 Folate Pantothenic Acid Zn Iron ■الفوائد:●له تاثيرات جهازية على العديد من أعضاء الجنين وعلى الهيكل العظمي ● الوقاية من العمى الليلي●له دور مهم في نمو دماغ الجنين●تعزيز صحة العين يمنح البشرة النضارةRead more

Omega 3

Omega 3 Marine fish oil is used as a source of vitamin A,D As a source of fatty acids Epa...Dha, it is important in maintaining healthy bones, especially during the growth period. ■Benefits:●Supports the heart and blood vessels. ●Protects against cholesterol. ●Important for heart health. Support for the great. ●Antioxidant. ●Relieves joint pain and strengthens them. ●Helps with lung health. ●Suppresses Alzheimer's and retinal pigmentation . ●Protects against depression. ●يرفعRead more

OEGA 3/6/9

OEGA 3/6/9 ■They are polyunsaturated fatty acids. The difference between them is in composition and chemical formula. Omega consists of 3 □ Docosahexaenoic (DHA) □ Epicosapentaenoic (EPA) ■ Benefits: ● Relieves joint pain and strengthens them. Helps with lung health. Cures Alzheimer’s and retinal pigmentation. Protects against depression. ● Increases the level of concentration and mental abilities of the child. Reduces the risk of heart disease.. ●يقلل منRead more

Vit D 10000 IU/ 5000IU

Vit D 10000 IU/ 5000IU Benefits: Essential for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus . ●Helps develop bones and teeth . ●Prevents osteoporosis. ●Vitamin D reduces the risk of diabetes.■The number of pills: 30cap

Vit D 10000 IU/ 5000IU

Vit D 10000 IU/ 5000IU Benefits: Essential for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus . ●Helps develop bones and teeth . ●Prevents osteoporosis. ●Vitamin D reduces the risk of diabetes.■The number of pills: 30cap

Vit D 10000 IU/ 5000IU

Vit D 10000 IU/ 5000IU Benefits: Essential for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus . ●Helps develop bones and teeth . ●Prevents osteoporosis. ●Vitamin D reduces the risk of diabetes.■The number of pills: 30cap


Selenium -200mcg Selenium 200mcg ■■It is a common element in the environment at different levels. Its compounds are found in soil, water and air.. ■ Its benefits: ● Plays an important role in regulating inflammatory processes in the body.● Plays an important role in the production and metabolism of thyroid hormone.● Improves the quality of semen. ● Reduces the risk of miscarriage. ● Its deficiency causes thyroid gland inactivity ,وارتفاع ضغطRead more


H-Collagen Vit c Biotin Collagen hydrolysate Biotin ■It plays an effective role in maintaining the skin through its effect on metabolic processes, which is an important process for maintaining healthy skin.. ■Helpful in controlling dryness and flaking of the skin and relieving acne irritation. ■Collagen: □هو البروتين الليفي الأكثر وفرة في الطبيعة موجود على نطاق واسع في الانسجة مثل النسيج الضامRead more